Thursday, May 29, 2008

Excuuuuuuuse me?

Jeffrey, my darling, I resent that remark.  Having said that, of course we'll do it my way. Which would be: Something Different.  I've had a couple of thoughts. . . 

1. Flower Power
Reminiscent of the 60's, think mod, think laugh-in, think peace signs and flowers.  The message is Peace on Earth.

2.  Stroller Brigade
Ok, have you ever seen the briefcase brigade?  Check it out: 

or just google briefcase brigade and you'll see it.  Anyway, stroller brigade would be moms and dads in formation, moms with strollers, dads with giant overstuffed diaper bags.  You'll get the picture when you look at the video.

However, where does that leave Gloria, Carla, Aaron, Jeff and moi?  Throwing candy? Majorettes?  Strollers with dolls for the femmes, diaper bags for A and J?  Yeah, maybe the latter.

Having said that, I do like the mardi gras idea and throwing beads and stuff.  I think it would be impossible to collect money but we could at least have big signs for on the sides of our "float" and lots of mardi gras decorations.  We could wear mardi gras masks and be flamboyant.  

Can't wait to see you all!!!!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

It's coming soon

At this point we have a whole passel of familyand friends showing up for the July 4 Parade and the July 5 Rock skipping contest.

I wanted to do the same theme for the parade. (Condi on the Segway? Priceless!) Liz thought we should do something else, so we're going to compromise and do it her way.

Any ideas? Themes?