Monday, May 28, 2007

What to enter in the Parade?

If you receive this, you've probably been to the Fourth of July Parade in Round Pond, Maine. If you haven't it is witty, political and generally left-leaning. You know, my kind of event.

Anyway, many of us will be getting together on the 3rd.

Can we pull something off by 11am on the 4th?

You'r input is requested.


aaron osborn said...

i want to make a killer robot cheney suit out of cardboard.
all boxy and inhuman

aaron osborn said...

with led laser eyes that scare children and makes money

anne said...

we're in, do we have a theme?

Liz said...

That's the question of the day: What is our theme? Whatever it is, we can have a trailer to use as our float and the Saab can pull it. We could go all edgy and politic or we could have a flower power message of PEACE float. Love, Liz

anne said...

do we get to throw things out at the crowd? candy, flower petals, someone choose a theme, then we can brainstorm

Gloria said...

what a great idea. I love that parade and would love to join you. I seem to remember a Cheney float last year that was hysterically funny, not to say that killer robot would not continue to be funny as well as menacing. Whatever the theme, throwing things to the crowd is definitely permissable, desirable and de rigeur. I will mull on themes. Maybe some take on CIA undermining through dirty tricks the Iran nuclear program. Nah. The more current the better though, maybe a cross between a movie event and politics. Remember that take-off on Brokeback mountain with the hot lobstering sternmen. Hmmm. I guess I do. :-) Anon

Carla said...

i'm in.....just as long as I don't have to play the illegal alien....

aaron osborn said...

I like the FLower Power when I think of it.
It lasts longer than political rants and boxy Cheney costumes.
We could make big huge flowers out of cardboard and paint them all different vibrant colors, and have masks of all the world leaders, and all of us arm in arm singing some beatles.

I don't know about the last part, but I like big colorful flowers. I would add lots of color to the parade.

Liz said...

Aaron - I love it! "All you need is love" while throwing flowers (I can do a mean pipe cleaner flower) to the crowd!

Jeff said...

Okay, so I'm seeing Bush, Cheney and Rove, plus Hillary and Al Gore masks, plus a few burkas and arab headdresses, in flowers with "all you need is love" playing on the boombox. Arms around each other and swaying to to music. Get the crowd to sing along.

I like it. Other song ideas?

Carla said...

I guess we should dig out our 60's and 70's old records and pick the cream-of-the-crop-flower-power-summer-of love-songs.

1. Imagine
2. All we are give peace a chance.
3. War! What is it good for?

Aaron wants to toss "oranges". You know Jeff...."oranges"

Carla said...

Might be a bad idea (or too serious), but maybe have some signs of war statistics/facts that might blow people's mind on the side of the float.

anne said...

this is making me think of kelly's heros where donald sutherland hippy-outs a sherman tank
"are you the american army?"
"no baby we ain't"

Liz said...

I believe we are all on the same page here! Now, how do we pull it off when four of you are coming the day before? Hey, where are Nat and Sarah in all of this? Sending them an email . . .

Gloria said...

Hello from Atlanta, short stop on way to Maine. Love the flower power theme. (Bush/Cheney etc.characters in their very realistic masks wearing tie-die t-shirts throwing flowers and singing beatle songs is pretty funny but just doing the peace love great old music would be good too. How about that Country Joe and the Fish Song Jeff, one two three four what are we fighting for, with different Iraqui syllables instead of viet nam.) We can make easy large flowers by accordian folding colored paper (tissue?), say four different colored sheets (8x10), doing the fold thing, wrapping pipe cleaner round middle, then unfolding. Put three together for big flower. Happy to be on flower output committee with you Liz.

Liz said...

Oh, good, Gloria, you're on your way to Maine! Yes, let's be on the Flower Committee. Everyone, shall we order the masks? Who wants to be whom? If the day is not to warm, I volunteer to wear a burka. Or, I could drive if no one else wants to?? I guess we need a Cheney, a Bush, some generic arabs, and? Annie, I wonder if Lucia would like to wear a t-shirt that says, "I'm already smarter than Bush"? I saw it on a website yesterday. Ha! (It's only the truth!) Jeff, do you want to put a soundtrack together using your ipod? Love to you all and feedback please.

Mr. Osborn said...

Totally fun.

I read this a couple of days ago, but couldn't post. Sarah showed me how.

I like the flower idea.

Would it be too complicated to have al Qaeda and Iraqi insurgents dancing together on the flower power float, with a sign saying something like: "Thanks Bush for getting us together finally!"

The only idea I came up before seeing the flower power one was something along the lines of a futuristic war in Iraq, still waging. Maybe a sign that says "2084: Mission (nearly) accomplished!"

This will be fun. Do we need to register to enter the parade?

Jeff said...

Okay, I'm going to buy the masks soon. Since no one has volunteered yet, I'll cast the whole group and you can ask to change. The idea is that I got it wrong, so y'all can fix it.

Aaron- insurgent w/ turban
Carla- W
Nat- Rove
Sarah- Cheney
Anne- Burka
Lucia- Wears "smarter than W"
Josh- insurgent w/ turban
Jeff- driver
Liz- burka
Gloria- insurgent w/ turban
Gretel- insurgent w/ turban

Liz said...

I thought Aaron wanted to be Cheney?

Liz said...

Maybe we could have Condoleeza?

Carla said...

Everything sounds fun and good.
Love the input Nat...especially the 2084 "almost accomplished" thing.

I don't do well in masks, I'll switch if anyone is interested...I am supposed to be W.

I could be a burka (and look very authentic)...

Is there anything we can do from afar????

anne said...

carla i am sure josh will switch with you,

love lucia's shirt,
we could write it on a shirt
she also has a flower petal headband
(cannot believe that actually is coming in handy)
should we have big posters with the words to our songs on it,sing along style?

anne said...

ohh i just thought of something
could we make W a dummie with cheney as the vetrilagist?
maybe i saw that in a cartoon
maybe that's too much
what do we get to paint flowers on?

S-G said...

I am with Carla on the mask thing, I really don't do well in masks. Sorry Jeff.

Carla said...

okay, so i am not W anymore.

i'll check to see if aaron wants to switch with you sarah...

Liz said...

I just ordered the above. Either I or someone could be Rove or Cheney and use this as the dummy.

Jeff said...

Actually, that was me, not Liz. She wants to be Condi.

Liz said...

I'm not crazy about the idea of wearing a mask either but wait, will that mean four masks, four burkas and a baby? (good movie name)

I volunteer to be a male insurgent. I nominate Aaron to be Condoleeza Rice in mask and business suit. (see I nominate Nat to be Cheney manipulating Bush marionette (great idea, Annie!) and I nominate Jeff to be - HOLD THE PHONE, Aaron would make a good president of Iran, Ahmajinadan (sp?)with the hair and beard and Jeff could be Condi! Jeff, my darling, you would make a fabulous Condoleeza!

Annie and Josh, maybe we could get to work on the flowers when you get here - I'll try to line up supplies.

Meanwhile, we're still trying to find out if we have to register or something but so far, the general concensus is you just show up.

S-G said...

It is to bad that Bo won't be there. If you hold a picture of him next to the President of Iran he is a dead ringer, no joke.

Mr. Osborn said...

Love the puppet idea. Do should we have a boombox or something for music?

Sarah is right, Amadinejad was a dead ringer for Bo.

Liz said...

I'm hoping Jeff will put together a mix on his ipod and we'll be able to broadcast it out of the car. I guess we'd better put it to the test - thumping bass through Boothbay Harbor . . . Jeff?

Jeff said...

Either one of my boom boxes or (better) the sound system of the towing vehicle.

Gloria said...

I am laughing my ass off. This is going to be great. Insurgents-R-Us. (What do insurgents wear? ) I will remind Gret to bring her burkas. Her e-mail is

Mr. Osborn said...

Really looking forward to this. Anything I can do to help or get ready?

I'm researching machiavellian republican Texas political hit jobs of the 1980's and 1990's to make sure I dance just like Karl Rove.

Gloria said...

Terrific picture Jeff. Have we gone from masks to puppets? Actually it's such a good analogy it's a no brainer, in every sense of the word. Who will be Charlie McCarthy? Are you going to write dialogue or wing it? Or will we all sing it? What does an insurgent wear at an independence day parade?

Liz said...

Okay, I googled insurgents under "images" and apparently the latest in insurgent wear is a huge gun and a towel worn about the head. We still need to figure out who is going to be whom. Gloria's friend, Gretel, has a couple of burkas she's willing to share. Nat, you will make a perfect Rove - just be careful how far you delve into his evil character lest you be drawn in against your will!! (Machiavellian republican Texas political hit jobs? - yikes!) Jeff is going to be Cheney. Anyone else know for sure?

Carla said...

Hi Guys!

Looking forward.

I might wear my rollerskates...for the glide effect.

All the plans sounds funny AS HELL...

I nominate either Jeff or Aaron to dress in drag...

Are Lucy & Sophie in?

anne said...

love the puppet
can't wait to get working on those flowers

Liz said...

Carla - I love it! Aaron can be Condi Rice! He will need a nice trim skirt and blouse. I ordered a mask. Ha!

Can Josh be the Iranian Prez? Does he still have a beard?

Annie, my darling, is Lucia walking???

Jeff said...

Does Sarah need a ride? An insurgent could drive the Prius (irony?) which has a great sound system, so no need for a boombox.

S-G said...

If you need me to drive I can but I can walk for a little while if that is what you mean. Walking is good for Mommy and Genevieve so you don't need to make any special arrangements for me. But I don't mind driving (will it be pulling a trailer?)

aaron osborn said...

i am excited.
it's been years since i've been able to dress in drag, so.....

should we make big flower signs?

Liz said...

Yes! on the big flowers - we hope to cover the Prius with flowers and peace signs using that blue painter's tape. Aaron, you'll make a lovely woman. Sarah, we thought you could drive the Prius and play the tunes in a headscarf - Jeff vetoed anybody in a burka driving his new car. Do you all know that Josh is coming too? I thought we might make him an oil man - sunglasses, white robes and headress with a goatee. Ha! btw, Josh, Aaron and Carla and Sarah and Nat are all arriving in Manchester and I'm renting a car for the week you can all drive up in. Fun!

Carla said...

I think we should make little Josh dress up in drag too....

Liz said...

Oooooo, you wicked girl!

Jeff said...

Okay kids, As my new photo here shows, it's time for details. We have very little time after you arrive for much more than putting things already created together. Does everybody know what they're wearing and have it? Will Aaron and Carla do costume for Josh as well? What does anyone need?

aaron osborn said...

carla and i are going to take josh to some thrift shops in manchester while we wait for nat and sarah to arrive.
so we can look for something for josh to wear.
but if you have something more specific in mind, let us know.

i am getting a business skirt, and a "smart" blouse.
I think it would be funny if i do the woody allen gag, cello in a marching band, being that connie does chamber music.

card board jeff, and lots of it.
glue, fast setting preferably.
and tempera paint.

i like the blue tape flowers and peace signs.

also sticks to hold our signs up with.
i picture some of us also holding big flower signs that don't say anything, that are just big flowers.

carla is waring roller skates, and that's it.

just kidding.
she is wearing rollerskates, and a burka type thing

Jeff said...

Okay, let me know what we need to provide. We'll have paint for the car and plywood or cardboard for the signage. What else do people need?

Mr. Osborn said...

I have a coat and tie, but no mask. I'll work on something?

Sarah has fabric for a hijab, and enough for a two or three extras.

Liz said...

Nat - sounds great! I'll make you a nice big name tag too that says "KARL" - or maybe "BUSH'S BRAIN"! Hasta manana!